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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday Weekend

Aidan's holiday weekend was great! They let out school early on Tuesday due to the threat of severe weather (which never happened), and for the most part it didn't screw with him too badly. He was a little hyper and messed with the dogs a lot that afternoon but no meltdowns or anything like that. 

Krista (my little sister/adopted daughter - long story) and her husband, Ross, came into town Thursday morning and met us over at MawMaw & PawPaw's house for the holiday dinner. Uncle Matt was already there. Aidan's tummy was hurting (some constipation issues, which I hope will go away quickly since we've dealt with impacted bowels once before with him several years ago) so he didn't eat hardly any dinner. We all played games that evening and Ross let Aidan play with him, which Aidan REALLY enjoyed.

On Friday Krista & Ross came over in the afternoon and they hung out with Aidan, playing Battleship with him (Aidan won!) and legos in his room until about 5. Aidan loooooves his Krista - and she loves him back. Thankfully her new husband is great with Aidan as well. That night, Aidan got to spend the night at MawMaw & PawPaw's house which meant he got to spend LOTS of time with Uncle Matt (my little brother). They have a "mutual admiration society". Those two love each other more than anyone else I think. They spent the evening playing legos and video games, and the same the next morning.

Saturday afternoon Aidan got to go outside and play with his best friend Jonas. They apparently spent a good portion of the time "storm chasing" and even caught their first storm. I'm so excited to see Aidan's imagination growing and developing. It also makes me so happy that he has a friend who doesn't bully him and helps his imagination further develop.

Today Aidan has spent most of his day playing video games and watching TV. It's rainy, there's a cold front moving through, which usually affects his behavior pretty badly, so I'm letting him lay low and just relax. He's been quiet and not into any trouble for the most part today so we're thankful for that.

I really worry about the upcoming week since this past one was out of routine with getting out early on Tuesday and being out the rest of the weekend, plus the weather is changing big time. It was in the 60s or lower 70s yesterday and we're supposed to have snow Monday night/Tuesday morning. That's going to be an adventure...

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