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Sunday, August 9, 2009

The need for a new charity... and how to provide for it.

So I've been thinking for nearly a month now about how to start a charity for local children with autism. It would be a way to provide grants or scholarships which their parents could use to pay for therapies, treatments, tests, or whatever autism related things they could present a need for. I'm not sure how I would even get something like this started, although I know how to proceed once I do. Fundraising wouldn't be terribly difficult, holding charity auctions and walks and events, asking bands and bars and businesses to sponsor the charity. Having gigantic parties with local bands performing wonderful music and lots of people coming and donating.Giving those of us who would give anything to be able to provide some basic treatments and therapies for our children with autism, but who just can't come up with the thousands of dollars a month it costs, and whose insurance won't cover it, some hope and resources. So many ideas are bouncing around in my head. I'd love to get the ball rolling. It would be a simple bank account full of the funds to be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. The parents would only have to provide three things - a proof of diagnosis that their child is on the autism spectrum, a proof of monetary need, and some sort of information about the amount needed and what the treatment, therapy, or test is.

Thoughts, ideas, advice, donations?

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